23 April 2014

The blog is still under construction and as befits a blog to be changed from 5 to 5 minutes along the information we offer, he must have a like button! A real fiasco would I’ll say that I manage with Stefan boyfriend/lover , I say fiasco because
I didn’t know that will thake 4 hours to put in html a like button (I have a course in this domain, it dosen’t help me either, but he gave me a particular importance), Stefan comes and sits half an hour and succeeds ( I absolutely been pissed because I have a course in this area =) don’t immagine that he put the button after each post, no he was put with honor on the page header) after he put the button where it should be after each post specialist in me whispers: "But where is the share button?"
We saw several tutorials and Stefan succeed again (I forgot to tell you that after all successful he have I gave him a big kiss) to put two like buttons and one button share, a blog look good with one button like and one other share, but so many buttons.... So after another serving of struggling high, I was have a  like button and until we fall asleep I repeatedly yelled "I HAVE A LIKE BUTTON!"
A few hours before I was able to make some pictures advantage of the fact that it's still celebration and neighbors are out I make this photo in our yard, and after a little monkey face and 200 photos I chose a few.
Blogul e încă în construcţie şi asa cum ii sta bine unui blog sa fie schimbat din 5 in 5 minute  pe langa informatiile pe care le ofera, musai ii trebuie buton de like! Un adevarat fiasco as spune ca am reusit eu cu Stefan prietenul/iubitul spun fiasco pentru ca nu stiam ca dureaza vreo 4 ore sa pui in html un buton de like(eu am un curs in domeniu, nu ca m-ar ajuta,dar imi da o importanta aparte). Dupa ce m-am agitat/enervat sa inteleg unde trebuie sa copiez un cod (doua ore), vine Stefan si sta juma’ de ora si reuseste (e absolut enervat pentru ca eu am un curs in domeniu =)  si nu va imaginati ca a pus butonul dupa fiecare postare,nu era pus la loc de cinste primul pe pagina) , dupa ce pune acel butonas acolo unde trebuie dupa fiecare postare  specialistul din mine imi sopteste:”Dar butonul de share unde este?”
Ne-am tot uitat noi pe tutoriale, dupa care Stefan iarasi reuseste (am uitat sa va spun ca dupa fiecare reusita ii mai trageam cate o ventuza un pupic) sa puna 2 butoane de like si un buton de share, ii sta bine unui blog ce-i drept cu un buton de like si unul de share, dar atatea butoane ... Asa ca dupa o alta portie de chinuiala maxima, am ramas cu un buton de like si pana sa adormim am urlat  repetat : „Am buton de LIKE!!”
Cu cateva ore inainte am reusit sa fac si cateva poze profitand de faptul ca inca e sarbatoare si vecinii sunt plecati am iesit in curte si dupa putina maimutareala  200 si ceva de poze am ales cateva :)
I was wearing:
Athmosphere overals
 H&M cardigan, bag and boots
 Luch watch
Photos by Stefan Popescu


  1. Am si eu acest cardigan! :D Mi-a placut atat de tare, incat l-am luat si pe burgundy! :p
    Nu m-am gandit niciodata sa il port cu o rochita, insa observ ca da foarte bine! :D

    1. Te invidiez si eu am vrut pe burgundy, dar nu am mai gasit, asa ca m-am multumit doar cu acesta. :D
