Some while ago I was
thinking to write about this, but not beeing a specialist in this area, I let
it go...until today..Let’s start with the beginig, when I wake up in the
morning I turn on the TV (that helps me to wake up better) and what do you
think I saw and I heard today? A commercial on teleshopping made me laugh on
one hand and on the other hand it horripilated me. The commercial was about
some candies for loosing weight (I don’t say the name of the product because I
don’t want to advertise somenting like this). Yes, you read well, CANDIES ..if
you take them a half an hour before your main meals, they inflate your stomach
artificially and like this your hunger is gone, but the way they were presented
made me laugh. The commercial started like this: Why should you take pills when
you can have candies? Really? Do you really need to take pills or something similar
for loosing weight when it’s much easier getting off some fat meals and move a
Of course you feel
guilty and take some pills, candies and teas, after having 4 burgers, 2 chips
and a greasy steak and spending all day sitting on your sofa expecting you’ll
de 90-60-90.
After the intro of the
commercial about the stomach behaving with this candies, of course there were
some testimonial ladies-as usual in any teleshopping commercial-praising the
product, but not only these ladies, but also some field specialist were
recommending this shit..I wonder the paycheck for this commercial..
I don’t quite
understand the artificial weight-loss trend and why the most harming methods
are choosed. Only if you see your body as your worst enemy you would give him
this crap for at one moment the body will respond with complicated diseases.
It may sound like a
cliche but if you don’t love your body as it is how do you expect somebody else
loves it?
Maybe you’ll mock me
for talking about this, as I am so thin, well..even the thin ones have their
own problems, for example finding appropriate clothes. This said it’s not all
about diets. You should eat moderate, should you like some greasy steak,
welcome it with a salad and if you like sweets get rid of the refined ones.
Of course if you have a
genetic square conformation you couldn’t have a slim waist.
I told you I am not a
specialist in this area, for I don’t have weight problems, but it happens to
know persons that are struggling with weight, having absurd diets, having pills
and finally succeed to lose weight, they get back the weight as soon as they
abort this things, and this weight fluctuation is shown on the skin by stretches,
folds and also health problems such blood pressure, etc.
Finally it doesn’t
matter if we are slim or fat, breasts or no breasts, with or without shapes, all
it matters is to accept ourselves as we are in this body because we won’t get
another one. We only take care of our bodies not filling it with pills and “candies”
De ceva timp ma gandeam
sa scriu pe tema asta, dar nefiind un specialist in domeniu am zis lasa.. pana
azi...Sa o luam cu inceputul, cand ma
trezesc dimineata, primul lucru pe care il fac e sa dau drumul la tv (asa ma
dezmeticesc mai repede) si ce credeti ca am putut vedea si asculta azi? O
reclama la teleshopping care, pe de o parte m-a facut sa rad, iar pe de alta
parte m-a oripilat. Reclama era la niste bomboane pentru slabit (nu dau nume
pentru ca nu vreau sa fac reclama la asa ceva). Da, cititi bine, BOMBOANE (au
trecut la alte minuni nu doar pastile, ceaiuri etc), care daca sunt inghitite cu o juma’ de ora
inainte de mesele principale iti umfla stomacul artificial si iti taie pofta de
mancare, dar modul in care erau prezentate m-a facut sa rad teribil. Incepea
cam asa : De ce sa iei pastile cand exista bomboane? Pe bune? Chiar trebuie sa
iei pastile sau ceva pentru slabit, nu e mai usor sa renunti la grasimi si sa
faci sport? Adica mananci vreo 4 burgeri, 2 portii de cartofi eventual si o
ceafa de porc la masa de seara si dupa te simti vinovat si bagi in tine si
niste pastile, ceaiuri si mai nou bomboane pentru slabit si stai in fund toata
ziua asteptand sa ai niste masuri de 90-60-90. Dupa mica lor introducere foarte
explicita a stomacului, in momentul ingerarii aratand clar cum se umfla acea
bomboana, apar normal si niste doamne care lauda, ca la orice reclama de la
teleshopping, produsul acesta extraordinar
de imbecil , dar ce credeti exista si niste specialistii in domeniu care
recomanda asemenea tampenii...oare cu cat au fost platiti acesti oamenii pentru
a face asemenea reclame?
Nu inteleg de ce exista
aceasta noua moda cu slabitul artificial si de ce sunt alese intotdeauna
metodele care fac rau organismului, credeti-ma nu trebuie sa va vedeti corpul
ca pe cel mai mare dusman al vostru atacandu-l cu astfel de mizerii pentru ca,
la un moment dat, totul se poate
intoarce impotriva voastra prin declansarea celor mai cumplite boli.
Suna cliseic, dar trebuie
sa invatati sa va iubiti asa cum sunteti, slabe ori grase pentru ca voi daca nu
va acceptati asa cum sunteti cum pot cei din afara sa va accepte si eventual sa
va placa?
Stiu veti spune ca
tocmai eu m-am gasit sa vorbesc pe tema asta care sunt slaba, eh, nu-i chiar
asa... si cei care sunt slabi au piticii lor : spre exemplu vor sa se ingrase
pentru a gasi haine pe masura lor...Dar
pana una alta, dupa parerea mea, nu totul tine de diete. Trebuie mancat
cu moderatie sau daca mananci ceva gras pune langa si o salata sau daca iti
plac dulciurile renunta la cele rafinate si tot asa..
Dar mai tine si de
conformatie, degeaba vrem talie de viespe daca avem silueta patrata.Din punct
de vedere genetic nu se poate...
Eu v-am spus, nu sunt
specialista in domeniu, nu am avut probleme cu greutatea, dar stiu persoane care
se lupta cu kilogramele si dupa ce reusesc sa dea jos, pun la loc, pentru ca
tin diete drastice si absurde, baga pastile si ceaiuri in ele si dupa ce
renunta la toate pun la loc, iar fluctuatia asta de kilograme se vede si pe
piele: fac vergeturi, incretituri, etc, dar si din punct de vedere medical stau
foarte prost cu inima, cu tensiunea...
In concluzie, nu
conteaza daca suntem slabi, grasi, cu forme sau fara forme, cu sani sau fara
sani, trebuie sa ne acceptam si sa intelegem ca asta e corpul pe care l-am
primit si altul numai primim.Trebuie doar sa avem grija de el si sa nu-l
distrugem cu pastile si bomboane (iar ma pufneste rasul cand imi aduc
V-am pupat!
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